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Asylum Dev Diary 114
August 25, 2020Things have a bit slow over the last couple for weeks for development as other RL stuff has been interrupting progress. I have been working through more of the development involving the first sequence. I needed to improve my state saving function to save important sequence information such as it’s playback state (paused or not)… [Read More]

Reflex – Dev Diary 7
August 9, 2020This week in the UK the weather has been very hot which restricts the amount of time I can bear being in my study. So, development on both titles has been a lot lower than usual. For Reflex there was a small bug fix session to correct an issue with the rotateable reflector, and also… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 113 – The Sequence
This week in the UK the weather has been very hot which restricts the amount of time I can bear being in my study. So, development on both titles has been a lot lower than usual. For Asylum I have been focusing on the first ‘Sequence’ needed for the game that involves a Police officer.… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 6
August 2, 2020Lots of tweaks and additions this week. Tutorials that are displayed before playing the active level can now be device dependant. This is a change I made when a friend of mine was playing an early build on my Android tablet and he seemed confused when the instructions for panning the screen starts mentioning the… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 112 – Refining Self
After last weeks fumbling around with sequences this work was a bit more productive. First up, the police. Originally the police sprites were from a static game resource and although they looked great they were going to prove problematic when it came to doing anything other than walking and pointing a gun at someone. So,… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 5
July 26, 2020With a new week came a new Beta that fixed the YYC native compiler in GMS 2.3 Beta. So, I was able to fully compile Reflex and run it at full speed on Android. Everything is looking really good. One important change is the way movements are calculated, originally they all used the usual frame… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 111 – It Was Me
With the excitement of being able to finally use Sequences in Asylum I made a coding error that was causing the sequence I had made to continuously loop and it was not, as I mentioned last week, a bug in GMS. So, with that issue resolved my first sequence is up and running. Hurray. Well,… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 4
July 19, 2020Reflex development is going extremely well. Tons of new stuff has been added and tweaked in the game and I’m at the stage now where I can start fleshing out levels. Each level in the new Reflex can now consist of multiple stages. So, there are some levels that contain an exit marker that requires… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 110
This week I finally started playing around with the new GMS2.3 Sequences feature. Sequences are a new type of asset that allows you to create complex animations involving multiple objects or sprites across a video editor style timeline, and scripts can be triggered at any point. This is ideal for several situations in Asylum and… [Read More]

Reflex – Dev Diary 3
July 12, 2020Another strong week for development of Reflex. This week I wanted to start putting together the flow of the game. That being the various menu screens required to guide the player through to a level and also to start introducing the objectives into the game. The first thing I had to do was to create… [Read More]