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Asylum Dev Diary 41 – Pew Pew
July 15, 2018It finally became necessary to tackle the weapon situation. And so this week as well as a few tweaks here and there I made a start on the gun play. Firstly there were a few tweaks I needed to sort out. The save game routine needed to have the trinket information added to it so… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 40 – Trinkets
July 8, 2018This is the first update from my new Ryzen 2700X PC, and a lot of development was completed. As I approach the final aspects of the floor I wanted to add in a feature that would reward exploration around the map outside of the objectives. And so I have made a start by adding trinkets… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 39
July 1, 2018Short one this week as I have been building a new PC for myself. My previous PC was over 11 years old and used an AMD Phenom II X4 (Quad Core old style), 8Gb DDR3 1600Mhz RAM. My new PC is an AMD Ryzen 7 2700X (Octo-Core (8) with 12 Threads) and 16Gb DDR4 3000Mhz… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 38 – UI Improvements
June 24, 2018Bit of a shorter development session this week due to other things taking my time. So, this week involved watching a friend play through what I have so far and examining how they explored and if there were any glaring issues. So, with that in mind I made a number of adjustments to the game… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 37 – There will be blood
June 16, 2018Lots of success for Asylum today. With the lighting all sorted I can plough ahead with the core game, very exciting. I’ve made a few changes to the initial flow of the floor because I felt that giving the player the thirst issue straight away was a little harsh, so I’ve relocated that challenge a… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 36 -Sighting the Stairs
June 10, 2018After finally finishing off the lighting situation it has been good to get back into the games actual flow. Well, actually I did make one further addition to the lighting. I added a dim light that I can use to subtly illuminate a room if I need to. Anyway, back to the games construction… Today… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 35 -Solving the lights
June 9, 2018Yet another post about those all important lights. My apologise, but this is the key element to the atmosphere of the game and it has to be done right. Last week I got to the point where I had resolved the bottleneck issue but had ended with a bug regarding the lighting of the doors.… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 34 – Breaking the Bottleneck
June 3, 2018As I reported yesterday there was a rather nasty bottleneck n the games performance. After using the profiler tools to work out why it was clear that the lighting wasn’t cleaning up as much as it should and the game was trying to deal with dozens of lights on every frame. So, my idea was… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 33
June 2, 2018Today I wanted to focus a bit more on tweaking the flow of the game so far. I added a few more dialogue sequences to help guide the player through the initial water challenge, and I also made some modifications to the noise filter to ensure it fades in and out better. I’ve added a… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 32 – Water
June 1, 2018Today I initially focused on the noise filter from yesterday. It is now animated. I also tweaked the colour tinting to make things look colder and darker for when thirst is a real problem. I’ve also adjusted the light bleed effect under doors so that the other side isn’t quite as easy to see. The… [Read More]