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Reflex – Dev Diary 81
May 4, 2022Just a quick update. The Amazon Fire release is taking longer than expected to get through its review process. I will post again when it is available on the Amazon App Store. The Google Play version is now available but the achievements and other play service features aren’t currently working. I’m looking into the cause.
Reflex – Dev Diary 80
May 1, 2022The time is almost here. The Android (Android 7+) and Amazon Fire (Fire OS 6+) versions of Reflex will hopefully be released tomorrow (2nd May 2022). For full details and links to the two stores please visit the Reflex page.
Project 2 – Dev Diary 2
Over the last 2 weeks I’ve been doing a lot of research and experiments for a potential new game. That last developer diary focused on a procedural map generator. This time I’ve been experimenting with skeletal animations for 2D characters. The process involved taking a sketch of my player character and creating a vector version… [Read More]
Project 2 – Dev Diary 1
April 17, 2022With the development of Reflex practically complete and the release of the Android (and possibly Amazon Fire App) version within the next few weeks I decided to start prototyping what could be my next game. For ‘Project 2’, obviously there’s no title at the moment, I wanted to try something different and something that would… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 79
April 9, 2022It’s been a couple of weeks since the big Steam release and everything seems to be going smoothly. There have been no bug reports so far, so I am continuing with developing the Android version. Google Play achievements and save games work somewhat differently from Steam and this has required a few alterations here and… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 118
March 26, 2022It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to end the development of Asylum. It has been a very difficult decision for me to make but whilst developing Reflex I came to the conclusion that I don’t believe I could do the game justice at this time. I may have bitten off a… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 78 – Steam Release
It is with great pleasure that I can now announce that the Steam version of Reflex has left Early Access and is complete. This has been quite the passion project for me, and I am extremely happy with the final product. Hopefully, you guys will be too. The official release version had the following alterations… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 77 – Tweaking
March 20, 2022This week continues the final stages of development for Reflex. The focus this time has been on Achievements for the Steam and Google Play versions of the game. First up was to get an official build ready for submission to Google Play. Thankfully YoYoGames has a reasonably helpful document about setting up a game and… [Read More]

Reflex – Dev Diary 76 – Polishing
March 13, 2022Another very busy week of development. This time focused on polishing the game and getting things ready for the full release. The objectives panel displayed in the game has been given a new lick of paint. The expanding box has been replaced with a much sleeker-looking design, and the level complete and fail displays have… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 75
March 6, 2022It has been a very busy few days of development for Reflex. I have finished polishing the outro sequence and added in a short post-credits scene (it doesn’t hint at a sequel), and I’m entering the final stages of the game. Firstly, following on from last weekend all the tutorials have been recreated as animated… [Read More]