Reflex 2020
Reflex – Dev Diary 54
August 22, 2021As I continue to test every level and make sure that the lighting is correct on every level I discovered a performance issue with the later levels. Because these levels are so large the number of wall collision pieces is pretty high and this is causing a lot of overhead when the shadow casters are… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 53
August 14, 2021The last two weeks have been rather busy with other non-development real life stuff so there hasn’t been a lot of progress. What I have been working on is fixing up a few bugs that were preventing my friend from play testing the game on my Android tablet. These were to do with the lighting… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 52
August 1, 2021A shorter update his week as time was more limited for me. There was one thing I wanted to do for the game this week and that was the inclusion of a new objective item. At the end of each world (the last levels) the player will now be taking out a large computer server.… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 51
July 25, 2021One of the challenges I wanted to focus on this week was to see if it would be possible to adjust the lighting engine so that it can work on Android devices. After several days of making tweaks and changes I have sadly realised that it’s just not going to work. Which is a big… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 50
July 18, 2021It’s now time for me to start going through every level in the game and making sure that they are all possible and that the time constraints are achievable. This week I have gone through all world 2 levels and made sure they can be completed and my play tester will continue to do so… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 49 – Achievements
July 11, 2021Another big week for additions, improvements and alterations. My play tester reported back an irritation he was having with the way the radial menu worked. Basically if you open a radial menu for a socket that is too close to the edge of the screen the menu wouldn’t be fully visible (because it surrounds the… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 48
July 4, 2021An absolutely ton of development work was done on Reflex over this last week. The biggest is the addition of a transition sequence between worlds – more later. But lets first go through the other improvements and alterations in the game. I’ve been steadily going through the levels of the game and updating the time… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 47 – Venting
June 27, 2021Some pretty big changes were made to Reflex this week so lets get straight into it. First things first. I made the decision to change the timer in the game. Rather than having the timer count up and you are rewarded up to 3 stars depending on how long you take I have decided to… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 46
June 20, 2021Over the past couple of weeks I have been developing a new lighting engine with the help of some tutorials from Grizzlius Maximus which is significantly more powerful than the lighting engine I’ve been using in the past. The original lighting engine in Asylum and Reflex is based on drawing shadows and lights using surfaces… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 45
June 13, 2021Quick update this time round as there’s not much to go into. I have been focusing almost exclusively on designing the few remaining levels for world 5. I know have 5.15 to 5.20 all done and these are the largest levels so far. The only other change this week is to the Android version involving… [Read More]