Reflex 2020

Reflex – Dev Diary 76 – Polishing
March 13, 2022Another very busy week of development. This time focused on polishing the game and getting things ready for the full release. The objectives panel displayed in the game has been given a new lick of paint. The expanding box has been replaced with a much sleeker-looking design, and the level complete and fail displays have… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 75
March 6, 2022It has been a very busy few days of development for Reflex. I have finished polishing the outro sequence and added in a short post-credits scene (it doesn’t hint at a sequel), and I’m entering the final stages of the game. Firstly, following on from last weekend all the tutorials have been recreated as animated… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 74 – Tutorials Mk2
February 27, 2022This week saw the release of a new version of GameMaker Studio 2 that changed a few things that affect Reflex. Firstly, the Steamworks integration has been removed from the core and replaced with an extension. In many ways, this is actually a good idea because it means that the compiled games that don’t need… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 73
February 13, 2022World 5 level testing continues, albeit slowly. The levels are really quite complicated and that means it takes quite a few attempts at getting everything right. A lot of the time I sketch a level plan and on paper, it all looks absolutely fine. However, when you get to actually play it you realise that… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 72
February 6, 2022A new update for Game Maker Studio 2 was released this week. Usually, that’s not a problem and Reflex doesn’t have any issues. However, this time compilation of the game into native code failed. After a quick post on the YoYoGames forum I was informed that the error I was getting from the compiler was… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 71
January 30, 2022Early Access version 2 will be released next week. This update brings in the World 4 levels to the game. This world adds in new features such as phasing laser fences, gun turrets, the holder component, and smoke vents. My playtester has just a few more levels to complete and then we’re good to go.… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 70
January 16, 2022Smaller update this week than I would have liked. I received my booster covid-19 shot last week and it took a lot out of me. Still better than getting the virus though. Anyway. This week I have finally finished sketching up the last level of the game. It’s going to be one heck of a… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 69 – 2022
January 9, 2022So here we are with the first developer diary of 2022. This is going to be a short one as I’ve only just returned to developing the game following my break for the Xmas holidays. Playtesting of World 4 levels continues and is progressing well. I’m hopeful that they will be ready to go by… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 68
December 12, 2021Some more visual improvements and tweaks for this weeks development diary of Reflex. The intro animation for the AR logo has been tweaked a little more to make it more streamlined, and I’ve also added the Game Maker Studio logo to the end so that I can qualify for inclusion in their ‘Games Made with… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 67
December 5, 2021This is the first post-Steam dev diary. Development continues at a pace and is heading nicely towards the second Early Access release in January. World 4 levels are all in place now and the long process of testing of those has begun. During my feature tests of World 4 this week I discovered a couple… [Read More]