Asylum – Ascent from Madness
Asylum Dev Diary 58 – Bang Bang
October 21, 2018So, with the Police Officers now moving about the reception area I needed to expand on this so that they could actually see. I decided to draw 2 faded lines that encompass the vision cone of the officer, this will also aid the player in knowing that they are getting too close; although by the… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 56 – Breach
October 19, 2018I admit I forgot to post a diary entry yesterday so I’ve rolled it into this one. Yesterday I need to find some animation software that was easier than Spine or Spriter that I was previously using for the player animation. Both of these applications, although very good, get a bit complicated when you’re trying… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 55
October 17, 2018It’s been a while. Lots of real life things getting in the way stopping me from my Asylum development. That should be over now so I can continue. Today I have been playing around with getting together the bits I will need for a police officer. Using a third party resource and the pretty cool online… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 54 – Bugs
September 30, 2018It always surprises me when you go back to check something you did a long time ago only to find it no longer works. This weekend I wanted to get a few processes sorted. The first, and most important, the ability to save at the reception floor and reload successfully. This is because up until… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 53
September 23, 2018Shorter development session this week, so I concentrated on some smaller items. I’ve put together a new desk for the reception area – previously it was just a wooden table used in the janitor’s room but now it’s a nice shiny, curvy, desk suitable for the reception. Walking around the reception I still got the… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 52 – Breaching the Asylum
September 16, 2018This week I have been concentrating on changing the main player sprites for something that better matches the rest of the characters in the game. As you might have seen previously the dead bodies are all based on photographic references that I then modify the colour of and position accordingly. The player, however, was based… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 51 – It’s the Fuzz
September 2, 2018Well, not quite, but the police vans have arrived. I’ve made a lot of progress in building the reception floor. Initially, my scale was out and the main reception area was just too large. So, I’ve scaled things down a bit. As you can see from the screenshot below the police are outside the building. This… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 50 – Angled shadows
August 27, 2018One aspect that the first floor has is that all of the walls are either horizontal or vertical. However, when I set about designing the reception floor I wanted to have an angled wall that leads down to a glass door (front of the building). I assumed that this wasn’t going to be a problem… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 49 – Stair transitions
August 19, 2018With the first floor complete and the flashback finished, for now, I had no choice but to tackle the upcoming ‘Reception’ floor and that meant putting together the transition between the stairs and implementing the method for relocating the player as he changes rooms (a room in GMS2 is kind of like a level). The… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 48 – Ammo Check
August 12, 2018Today I started off by just putting the final tweaks onto the flashback sequence. There may be some additional tweaks needed later on but for now, everything is running how I want it to. So, it was back to the main floor and the game mechanics. Before I got side-tracked with the flashbacks I was… [Read More]