Latest news
Compiler problems for AutoWallpaper 3.5.1619
February 24, 2008Every now and then an update is released for the programming language I've used for AutoWallpaper and I usually make a habit of updating and recompiling the code when this happens; mainly to ensure any compiler based bugs are removed. Sadly the latest release of RealBasic (2008r1) has caused a few issues with AutoWallpaper, which… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 3.5 has arrived
February 8, 2008Yup, after several months of development AutoWallpaper 3.5 is here. It has been quite a long road getting to this point but I'm extremely pleased with the final product. Here's the final change list: Mac and PC versions share same code base<br />New mozaic (mass tile) effect<br />New Import folder to automate category creation<br />New… [Read More]
It's almost here
February 3, 2008It has been a very successful week for coding AutoWallpaper 3.5. The internal beta is now feature complete and I just need to finish off the userguide and the effects library. As mentioned before the new main features for version 3.5 are complete synchronisation with the Mac Edition, so no more confusion over the different… [Read More]
Wearing the Mac
January 28, 2008It has been a very successful week of development for AutoWallpaper 3.5 for the Mac (and indeed for the PC as well). I have finished the Mac specific coding for AutoWallpaper and everything is working well. The FX Library has also been completed and is looking great. I still need to work out how the… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 3.5 unified
January 20, 2008After last weekends problems and finally solving them (missed a declare that is only usable by windows) I can happily say that the Mac Edition has been updated to match the current pc version. The all important version 3.5 release (due out in a few weeks) will herald a new age for the Mac Edition… [Read More]
Hair pulling and the Apple Mac
September 23, 2007After a frustrating time coding on the Mac this weekend it is looking very likely that the forthcoming version 3.5 of AutoWallpaper will b for my software. So, I've ordered an extra stick of RAM, and hopefully once that has arrived I can try the system with 2 sticks again, and then put in a… [Read More]
Rigged and ready for a walk
September 17, 2007It has been a very productive weekend for Asylum and AutoWallpaper. For Asylum I’ve been concentrating on the temperamental character animation. As Asylum is now going to be a third person point and click adventure (with a bit of action) I needed to sort out once and for all the problem of character animation.So, armed… [Read More]
The Dark Portal and Asylum
September 12, 2007Firstly, I would like to just briefly mention an update to AutoWallpaper 3 (1220), this update includes a fair amount of additional tweaks with regards to handling multi-monitor and widescreen wallpapers. The problem the previous builds had was that the image was taken as is, scaled to fit, sliced and then process, and although this… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper – the missing features
September 8, 2007It's only after you've released a new version of some software and you start to get emails from users asking how to do certain things, do you finally realise that a certain feature was missing. Well, this is exactly what has happened during the last week. Some users have been having problems using AW3 because… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 3 update coming Saturday
August 31, 2007A couple of small bugs have been found in the current release of AutoWallpaper 3. They are not serious and are being tested now with an update planned for Saturday. The bugs are; when using maximum size options for resizing landscape images aren't resized correctly, when AW3 is installed over AW2 the category listing appears… [Read More]