Reflex 2020
Reflex – Dev Diary 14
October 4, 2020Some very good progress was made this week. Adding in 2 new objective objects: the communications dish, and the space cannon. Both of these objects are for later stage objectives and I’ve given them some really nice animations. The dish will randomly reorient its self, and the cannon rotates and fires occasionally, adding to the… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 13
September 27, 2020Big things happening this week. After finishing adding in all the levels for world 2 I wanted to look at some ‘spit and polish’ for other aspects of the game. First up was the level select area. I didn’t like the way the levels were being displayed. They would fade in and then cross fade… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 12
September 20, 2020World 2 is now level complete. The 25 levels that make up the second world of the game are now in place and ready to be tested thoroughly. This week added in levels 2.19 to 2.25. Although the last two levels do require a couple of new sprite resources that I will be adding in… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 11
September 13, 2020Levels, levels, and more levels. This week I have continued to sketch up levels for the game and carefully work out the best order they should appear. Although this may change once I start to play them and find that they are actually harder than I thought. In the actual game this week I have… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 10
September 6, 2020Whilst drawing up levels I had a few ideas for some additional features in the game. So, this week I’ve been looking at adding those in to my test level. First up are breakable doors. These require a missile to impact them to destroy them, once destroyed subsequent missiles will pass through the opening created.… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 9
August 30, 2020This week I have turned my focus on to sketching up some new levels (8) for the game. I’m using graph paper for the moment as I just start creating a level and see where it takes me. This allows me to go through all the levels and put them in some sort of order… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 8
August 25, 2020Slow progress for Reflex over the course of the last 2 weeks as I’ve been more focused on Asylum. But I have made some improvements. The automatic collision creation code I mentioned in the last post has now been finished and is working flawlessly. There was a nice bug that allowed the player to start… [Read More]

Reflex – Dev Diary 7
August 9, 2020This week in the UK the weather has been very hot which restricts the amount of time I can bear being in my study. So, development on both titles has been a lot lower than usual. For Reflex there was a small bug fix session to correct an issue with the rotateable reflector, and also… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 6
August 2, 2020Lots of tweaks and additions this week. Tutorials that are displayed before playing the active level can now be device dependant. This is a change I made when a friend of mine was playing an early build on my Android tablet and he seemed confused when the instructions for panning the screen starts mentioning the… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 5
July 26, 2020With a new week came a new Beta that fixed the YYC native compiler in GMS 2.3 Beta. So, I was able to fully compile Reflex and run it at full speed on Android. Everything is looking really good. One important change is the way movements are calculated, originally they all used the usual frame… [Read More]