Reflex 2020
Reflex – Dev Diary 24
December 20, 2020I was going to say that this would be the last update for the year as the holiday season approaches, but as it has just been announced that Kent (UK) has been placed in Tier 4 lockdown XMas has been officially cancelled and I won’t be seeing or visiting anyone. So, I may well be… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 23
December 13, 2020This week continues the process from last week; taking all the 25 level drawings for world 3, cutting them up and placing them in a preliminary order ready for the game. As world 3, like the world before it, adds in new game play elements the difficulty is momentarily reduced to explain the new features;… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 22
December 6, 2020World 3 level designs have finally been completed. Its been a slow process which some levels taking more than 25 minutes to draw up. It’s a difficult and slow process that involves trying to work out an interesting level that makes things harder and harder for the player over time. Now that the 25 levels… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 21 – GMS2.3.1
November 29, 2020I’ve been a bit busy over the last couple of weeks that has meant progress has been a bit stunted. The main focus, however, has been installing and checking out the newly release update GameStudio 2.3.1. This update adds in a fair few new features, fixes a ton of bugs, but also seems to introduce… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 20 – Videos
November 15, 2020Work continues on the level designs for world 3 this week, but I also took some time to put together an ARSoftware video ident that will play at the start of the game, and I’ve also upgraded the title menu screen. So, first up the actual game content. Level 3.3 has been added to the… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 19
November 8, 2020Smaller update this week because of real work picking up – finally. There were a few things I wanted to try out this week. When the reactors are taken down on a level the lights will now go red indicating a kind of emergency power in the base and a nice visual cue that the… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 18
November 1, 2020Real life work is beginning to pick up so development time has dropped quite a bit in the last few weeks. However, I’m still making great progress. This week I have been refining the reactor sprites so that they fit in better with the rest of the assets. Originally they were orange tinted, now they… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 17
October 25, 2020World 2 is now complete. This week I played through the last 3 levels of the world and made sure they were doable. 2.25 is a right doozy, but it can be completed. Lots of other tweaks and fixes this week: The craft that launches the missile was also appearing on sub-levels which are supposed… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 16
October 18, 2020Short update this week as I was distracted by my new Oculus Quest 2. This week I continued testing levels and tweaking them when they proved impossible. Levels 2.17 to 2.22 have all been checked and are working properly. I added a new quick feature for windows users. Rather than having to left click a… [Read More]
Reflex – Dev Diary 15
October 11, 2020This week continued some of the polishing I started and I also finished off the weapon crate work. The weapon crate, when opened, displays the collected content on the left edge of the screen briefly – to avoid disrupting the game flow. One aspect that was in the original Reflex game was the deployment method… [Read More]