
MoneyWatch 1.3

February 7, 2017

A small update is now available for MoneyWatch bringing it to version 1.3. This update fixes an issue with This Month and Last Month report graphs.

MoneyWatch update and NotesHub

December 5, 2016

MoneyWatch has been given a small facelift to bring it in line with the forthcoming release of NotesHub. NotesHub, like MoneyWatch, is a mobile-friendly PHP web application that is installed on your own web server/web space. I created NotesHub because I’m not a fan of how EverNote does things (mainly the over reliance on tags)… [Read More]

New website launched

August 1, 2016

Welcome to the all new ARSoftware website. I’ve simplified the layout and reduced the number of pages. Some of the previous products have been removed now as they are no longer for sale and aren’t available any more. I have a new product coming out soon called MoneyWatch. This is a self-hosted PHP application designed… [Read More]

UK Government Kills Indie Developers

January 22, 2015

Some of you may be aware of the changes to UK law that governs online selling of digital products. The new law requires all individuals (or businesses) to be VAT registered if they are selling across the world; this also means it is necessary to record detailed information about the customer (IP Address, location, etc)… [Read More]

Puzzle Game Dev Diary

December 14, 2014

Progress with Construct 2 has been going very well. Using some placeholder graphics I’ve already managed to get a large chunk of work done of the prototype for the puzzle game introducing 7 of the required elements – reflectors. The projectile moves around the test map reflecting off of the various elements. The red ones… [Read More]

And now for something completely different

December 5, 2014

I’ve been wanting to make a start on a couple of small side projects for a while. I have some great ideas for a few 2D games. One of which is a revamped up to date version of Reflex (a puzzle game). So with that in mind I’ve been experimenting with different engines to see… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 7 thoughts

April 6, 2014

I’ve been considering a complete and total rewrite of AutoWallpaper removing certain unused features and changing the way things work, but it will involve a massive amount of work and I wanted to put forward my ideas before I make a start to ensure that there is still an interest in AutoWallpaper, especially considering the… [Read More]

Asylum – Developer Diary Day 34

October 24, 2013

Today was a bit hit and miss. With Windows 8.1 being released I needed to do an update to AutoWallpaper to ensure that it worked correctly under the latest version of Windows. I have also been notified that AutoWallpaper doesn’t operate at all under OS X Maverick, unfortunately at the moment, probably due to the… [Read More]

Notes Manager Public Beta 4

January 5, 2013

Over the last month I have been carefully correcting little bugs from the beta releases of Notes Manager, and I think we’re nearly there. There is one outstanding bug that I know of which is quite a rare one. This bug is caused by the spellchecker component I’m using. I have contacted the developers and… [Read More]

Page URL issues resolved

June 18, 2012

The recent server crash seems to have damaged some of the URLs on this website. These have now been corrected and you should be able to visit the download pages for all products again.

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