Developer Diary

Asylum – Developer Diary Day 14

June 30, 2013

Now that most of the preliminary bits and pieces are sorted out; texturing, lightmapping, single mesh modelling and UV editing, as well as a little bit of scripting, I turned my attention back to the drawing board to complete the outline map for the first floor of the game, as well as compiling a list… [Read More]

Asylum – Developer Diary Day 13

June 29, 2013

Today was a shorter development day. I wanted to have a bit of a play around with the real time shadow options available for Unity Free. As you may or may not know proper real time shadows are only available for those lucky enough to be able to afford the Pro license – which I… [Read More]

Asylum – Developer Diary Day 12

June 23, 2013

For those that aren’t following my facebook page I have decided to start posting my developer diary to as well. Ok, day 12. Today was a big day for development. After day 11’s complete failure to work out why my door trigger zone wasn’t working I sat down to work out why. Seems like… [Read More]

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