
We are a go

September 18, 2008

A quick mid week update for those of you who are keen to get your hands on AutoWallpaper 4. The final release candidate was sent to beta testers last night and I have every confidence that I will be able to update the website and release the shiny new version to the masses this weekend.… [Read More]

Release Candidate 1 and beyond

September 15, 2008

This last week has been a rather busy one. There was a new bug located in AutoWallpaper 4 beta 9 that caused me a few headaches but was eventually quashed. And so Release Candidate 1 was compiled and released two days ago. The main addition for this beta release was the inclusion of the new… [Read More]

Getting from beta to Release Candidate

September 8, 2008

Another fun packed week of beta testing has gone off without too many problems, and the first Release Candidate is being prepped for sending to beta testers on the 16th September. As of yesterday (Sunday 17th September) my G4 Mac has now been upgraded successfully to OS X 10.5, and this will hopefully mean the… [Read More]

Seeing double with the Mac?

September 1, 2008

I may have had a glimmer of a break through with multi-monitor support on the Mac. It does however come with a price, and that prices is 10.5. As far as I've been able to work out, the routines I need to be able to communicate with multiple displays only exists on OS X 10.5… [Read More]

Compiler problems for AutoWallpaper 3.5.1619

February 24, 2008

Every now and then an update is released for the programming language I've used for AutoWallpaper and I usually make a habit of updating and recompiling the code when this happens; mainly to ensure any compiler based bugs are removed. Sadly the latest release of RealBasic (2008r1) has caused a few issues with AutoWallpaper, which… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 3.5 has arrived

February 8, 2008

Yup, after several months of development AutoWallpaper 3.5 is here. It has been quite a long road getting to this point but I'm extremely pleased with the final product. Here's the final change list: Mac and PC versions share same code base<br />New mozaic (mass tile) effect<br />New Import folder to automate category creation<br />New… [Read More]

It's almost here

February 3, 2008

It has been a very successful week for coding AutoWallpaper 3.5. The internal beta is now feature complete and I just need to finish off the userguide and the effects library. As mentioned before the new main features for version 3.5 are complete synchronisation with the Mac Edition, so no more confusion over the different… [Read More]

Wearing the Mac

January 28, 2008

It has been a very successful week of development for AutoWallpaper 3.5 for the Mac (and indeed for the PC as well). I have finished the Mac specific coding for AutoWallpaper and everything is working well. The FX Library has also been completed and is looking great. I still need to work out how the… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 3.5 unified

January 20, 2008

After last weekends problems and finally solving them (missed a declare that is only usable by windows) I can happily say that the Mac Edition has been updated to match the current pc version. The all important version 3.5 release (due out in a few weeks) will herald a new age for the Mac Edition… [Read More]

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