AutoWallpaper 7 thoughts
April 6, 2014I’ve been considering a complete and total rewrite of AutoWallpaper removing certain unused features and changing the way things work, but it will involve a massive amount of work and I wanted to put forward my ideas before I make a start to ensure that there is still an interest in AutoWallpaper, especially considering the… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 6.6 and Maverick 10.9
October 27, 2013I recently mentioned that AutoWallpaper for the Mac may be discontinued. I had a couple of responses to my call to see if a new version would be wanted and so I thought I’d have a quick look into what would be required to support OSX Maverick. Fortunately the change wasn’t as serious as I… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 6.6 released
October 24, 2013With the release of Windows 8.1 comes an update for AutoWallpaper. The previous version would have shown desktop wallpapers on the wrong monitors or displaying split across multiple monitors. This new version corrects the problem. At present AutoWallpaper is NOT compatible with Mac OS X 10.9 Maverick. Once again Apple has made some unknown changes… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 6.5.3307
November 18, 2012A new update is now available for AutoWallpaper 6.5. This update corrects a cycling issue when a significant number of groupings are used. As usual this new update can be downloaded from the AutoWallpaper download page.
AutoWallpaper 6.5.3292
September 29, 2012A new minor update is now available for AutoWallpaper 6.5. This update includes the following user requested changes: You can now schedule AutoWallpaper to update categories rather than just a single category update on start up. This option is ideal for those users that leave their computers on days at a time. A new option… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 6.5
September 15, 2012The Windows 8 compatible AutoWallpaper 6.5 is now available for download. Registered users of AutoWallpaper 6.x can upgrade to this version for free. For full details and download please visit the AutoWallpaper web page.
AutoWallpaper 6.5 coming soon
September 14, 2012After a few weeks of painstakingly working out the support for Windows 8 I can now announce that AutoWallpaper 6.5 will add support for Windows 8. And as an added bonus for Windows 8 users AutoWallpaper 6.5 will support pretty much any monitor configuration you can throw at it. The update is purely optional as… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 6.0.3276
August 29, 2012A new update is available for AutoWallpaper 6 which corrects a critical issue in the way AutoWallpaper remembers used images. This is especially important for sequential mode. Initial testing for compatibility with Windows 8 shows that AutoWallpaper does NOT work correctly. It appears that Microsoft has made significant changes to the way wallpaper images… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper 6.0.3264
July 22, 2012A new update is now available for AutoWallpaper 6 which has the following improvements: Added a check for erroneous information coming from when photos have been given dangerous names AutoWallpaper will now report update progress of online categories, including name and progress bar indications Corrected a glitch with start up changes not turning off… [Read More]
AutoWallpaper Mac Edition (6.0.3250)
June 16, 2012A minor update has been released for Mac only that address the following issue: – On OSX10.7 images cycling may not updated correctly causing a repeat of previously used images. This is a system level issue. A workaround has been implemented to ensure the AutoWallpaper generated image is used correctly. This update will not be… [Read More]