
AutoWallpaper 5.5 RC3b Windows

October 11, 2010

After what I thought was a final RC for AutoWallpaper, I found that one of the test computers I use was still having issues with mis-aligned monitors. It turns out that the variable that is used to tell the cycler if the monitor configuration is in a grid or not was set up incorrectly. RC3b,… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 5.5 RC2b

October 5, 2010

Just a very quick update to correct an issue that was found yesterday. In some cases when the wallpaper cycle didn’t include PiPs (picture-in-picture) the change would report an error but then still change the wallpaper. This has been corrected and a new installer has been uploaded. UPDATE: I have found another glitch. This time… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 5.5 RC2

October 4, 2010

A number of very annoying little issues plagued the first release candidate, fortunately I believe these are now resolved. The problem resulted from me having dozens of test categories and then finding that RC1 didn’t play nicely with 1 or 2 categories. What it boiled down to was a small mix up with some <>… [Read More]

New car, new AutoWallpaper update coming soon

January 23, 2010

If you’re wondering why the blog has been a little quiet recently it’s mainly due to me having to change cars. I had a Ford Fiesta on hire purchase with Ford and that has come to an end, so I’ve been working on finding and buying my new car – Toyota Aygo Black. I took… [Read More]

First update of the new year (AW5.1.2835)

January 3, 2010

Happy new year everyone 🙂 I’ve released a small update, originally it was my plan to release a new version with a couple of new features but January has prompted the need for a quick fix. Basically if you have the calendar display showing with it starting the week on Sunday the background tint wouldn’t… [Read More]