Asylum – Ascent from Madness
Asylum Dev Diary 68
February 10, 2019After last weeks complete outage of internet access it’s nice to get back into development. After the last session where I moved the screen fading routines from a dedicated object to the camera object (which makes more sense) I got thinking. Perhaps some of the other GUI elements should also be moved into the camera… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 67
January 27, 2019Progress at last. After 2 weeks of trying to work out the cause of a bug that results in a black screen when the player returns from the Flashback sequence I have final found the cause and corrected it. After a lot of debugging I discovered that the Bloom Shader that is used to give… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 66
January 20, 2019Well, 2019 isn’t going well. Slightly shorter development sessions this weekend due to other commitments. I’ve had another investigation into the black screen issue I’m experiencing that only occurs when the player moves from the flashback scene back to the first floor. I am still unable to isolate the issue. It’s very frustrating because even… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 65 – New Year New Bugs
January 13, 2019Just when you think you can continue where you left off last year with development new bugs for previous chunks sneak in. While I was improving the layout of the UI elements I decided to test from start to finish (where I am now anyway) to make sure all the message text appeared within the… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 64 (2019)
January 6, 2019A new year, a new development cycle for Asylum. To ease myself back into the development of the game I focused on a tidying up a few things and making some UI improvements. I did some research as to how other games display dialogue and although I liked my initial design of having the tint… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 63
December 9, 2018Last update of the year as the Christmas season gets into full swing. Looking back over the course of the last year I’m very pleased with the immense progress I’ve made on Asylum and hope to see it continue throughout the new year. There’s still a massive amount to do but I’m confident that everything… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 62
December 1, 2018Not really an Asylum development post this time. As previously mentioned it was time for a bit of an AlternativeRealities rebrand and so I’ve been spending time on finalising my new logo (hope you like it) and also redeveloping the website. There’s still a few tweaks to be made here and there but I’m happy… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 61
November 18, 2018This week I have been continuing the development of the pipework required in the basement – it’s still not looking quite right but I’m getting there. I’ve also been creating a list of all the new elements I will need including wiring, generators, boilers, inventory items and a new character to interact with and all sorts… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 60
November 11, 2018Over the last few days, I’ve been experimenting with overhead elements that I might use in the basement, such as pipework and cabling. This will serve to add the necessary clutter to the basement environment but will also be used for other aspects that might require the player to trace the source of something in… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 59 – Basement
October 28, 2018There was an announcement by YoYo Games (creator of GMS2) about a new feature coming early next year called ‘Sequences’. This new feature will allow the developer to create complex animation sequences for sprites that not only include tweening animation but also code triggers. This sounds absolutely amazing and will seriously help out the animation… [Read More]