serious issue

AutoWallpaper 6.0.3276

August 29, 2012

A new update is available for AutoWallpaper 6 which corrects a critical issue in the way AutoWallpaper remembers used images. This is especially important for sequential mode. Initial testing for compatibility with Windows 8 shows that AutoWallpaper does NOT work correctly. It appears that Microsoft has made significant changes to the way wallpaper images… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 5.5.3063

December 6, 2010

I’ve issued a quick update for AutoWallpaper 5.5. This update corrects 2 issues that were discovered yesterday by users: There was a serious issue that resulted in AW5.5 crashing when scheduling was enabled on a category, this was caused by an internal logic loop that got stuck continuously updating the categories. Secondly, the internal update… [Read More]