
AutoWallpaper 6.0.3276

August 29, 2012

A new update is available for AutoWallpaper 6 which corrects a critical issue in the way AutoWallpaper remembers used images. This is especially important for sequential mode. https://www.arsoftware.co.uk/products/auto-wallpaper/download Initial testing for compatibility with Windows 8 shows that AutoWallpaper does NOT work correctly. It appears that Microsoft has made significant changes to the way wallpaper images… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 6.0.3264

July 22, 2012

A new update is now available for AutoWallpaper 6 which has the following improvements: Added a check for erroneous information coming from 500px.com when photos have been given dangerous names AutoWallpaper will now report update progress of online categories, including name and progress bar indications Corrected a glitch with start up changes not turning off… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 6.0.3191

December 31, 2011

A new update has been released for AW6. It’s a small update that prevents AW6 from crashing if online categories (flickr, 500px.com) are being updated and no internet connection is available. As usual you can download the new update from the download page.

AutoWallpaper 6.0.3185

November 16, 2011

A new update has been released for all those AW6 users out there. Some of you may know that AutoWallpaper wasn’t very tolerant of damaged or mal-formed images (jpegs with the wrong file extension, etc). Well, this update resolves that issue. If an image cannot be handled it will be skipped and the filename will… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 5.5.3070

February 19, 2011

Just a small but rather important update for you all. AutoWallpaper 5.5.3070 fixes a bug whereby the last wallpaper of each category would never get used.

Getting the wrongAspect?

November 17, 2010

It has come to my attention that there is a glitch in AutoWallpaper 5.5 in which it doesn’t detect the aspect ratio of wallpaper images correctly. I have a fixed ready and it is just being tested. In the meantime you can prevent this error from displaying by de-ticking the preference option ‘Prevent landscape on… [Read More]