
AutoWallpaper 5.5.3084 released

April 9, 2011

This small update corrects a few issues: The wallpaper preview window will now remember the user set size between categories and sessions correctly.Wallpaper categories that are created by processing meta data were causing images to be duplicated within the categories, this has been corrected.

AutoWallpaper 5.5.3070

February 19, 2011

Just a small but rather important update for you all. AutoWallpaper 5.5.3070 fixes a bug whereby the last wallpaper of each category would never get used.

Updates Galore

January 29, 2011

Before the release of an all new application I have released updates to both AutoWallpaper and UnityScript Editor. UnityScript Editor update includes a series of fixes to the intelliprompt system and corrects a glitch in the installer. AutoWallpaper 5.5.3069 update corrects a problem whereby meta information based categories weren’t processed correctly. And as for the… [Read More]

Small AW5.5 update

December 12, 2010

Just a very small update to AutoWallpaper 5.5 this week to correct an issue with the user guide button on the Mac version. It is not a required upgrade as it doesn’t make any other changes.

AutoWallpaper 5.5.3063

December 6, 2010

I’ve issued a quick update for AutoWallpaper 5.5. This update corrects 2 issues that were discovered yesterday by users: There was a serious issue that resulted in AW5.5 crashing when scheduling was enabled on a category, this was caused by an internal logic loop that got stuck continuously updating the categories. Secondly, the internal update… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 5.5.3045

November 27, 2010

A new update has been released that fixes a number of issues: Sequential wallpaper cycling now works without causing Error 2 to be displayed.Fixed rare loading issues when cycling wallpapersFixed prevent duplicates option that was previously not recording the used wallpapers correctly. Update: A number of users have difficulty after updating their installation, this is… [Read More]

Getting the wrongAspect?

November 17, 2010

It has come to my attention that there is a glitch in AutoWallpaper 5.5 in which it doesn’t detect the aspect ratio of wallpaper images correctly. I have a fixed ready and it is just being tested. In the meantime you can prevent this error from displaying by de-ticking the preference option ‘Prevent landscape on… [Read More]

AW5.5 small update

November 14, 2010

For those that have both portrait and landscape images in a single category this update should help you. AutoWallpaper tries 100 times to locate a suitable wallpaper from the available categories, however, if you are also using the ‘no repeats’ option the number of usable wallpapers decreases with each cycle leaving potentially only images of… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 5.5

November 12, 2010

Has been released. No issues were uncovered with the last release candidate so I have decided to release it. Please be aware that upgrading from a previous version will not keep your settings or categories in version 5.5, this is due to massive changes in the way the information is stored. Whats New:Huge speed increases… [Read More]

AutoWallpaper 5.5 RC5

November 8, 2010

It’s here. Potentially the last release candidate before launch. This update corrects issues with the FX Library that were caused due to the website being hacked. A new feature has also been added in this version; it is now possible to specify the exact location you want the wallpaper to render on your desktop (please… [Read More]

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