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Asylum Dev Diary 102
April 7, 2020As the pandemic rolls on in the UK (and the world), and with myself stuck at home, I decided to press ahead with Asylum development instead of waiting for the no doubt delayed GMS 2.3 update. I’ll just have to work around the much needed features. Yesterday I went through the game as it stands… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 101 – kind of
February 16, 2020Just a quick update this week. As I go through what I currently have for Asylum I have realised that I’m at the point where I need the Sequences feature for GMS2. Fortunately it should be out before the end of Q1, so shouldn’t be much longer now. The downside is I can’t really progress… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 100
February 2, 2020Wow, 100 development sessions. This week I have been playing through the first part of the game making sure things work correctly. Well, that was the idea. There were a few bugs to iron out. The triggers and blocked off areas were ignoring the fact the player had a torch after reloading a save point.… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 99
January 26, 2020Starting the year off with a couple of easy changes. The first puzzle that the player comes across is a keypad door. Initially I simply had the code on the floor (scratched) near the door as a sort of ‘this is the sort of thing you’re going to need to do’ start to the game.… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 98
January 19, 2020Welcome to 2020. Development has restarted for Asylum and I hope to have a proper update for you next week. This week I’ve been putting together a list of the bits and pieces I need to do next, this mainly includes replacing older graphics with final versions just to make everything look as best as… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 97 – Head Changers
December 8, 2019This week I had a number of tasks I wanted to get done, but as usual things go sideways and a few important bugs need to be dealt with. The game saves were playing up which meant that some game elements were not in the correct places when a game was reloaded. I wasn’t happy… [Read More]

Asylum Dev Diary 96 – Faces II
December 1, 2019Continuing from the development last weekend I decided to look around and see what options I had available for creation the characters faces. As the game is top down you don’t actually see the faces of anyone during the game play (excluding dead characters lying on the floor), but I wanted to have profile images… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 95 – Faces
November 24, 2019One addition I’ve been thinking about for quite a while is the inclusion of images next to the dialogue sequences. So that when you’re speaking to a character you can see a profile picture when they talk. Or, if the person isn’t known to you, for example the person talking through the intercom system, I… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 94 – Bumper Update
November 10, 2019This week saw a bumper 4 days of development work on Asylum. As per my previous posts I’m in clean up mode where I return to look through the completed parts of the game and see what can be cleaned up or improved. The first port of call this week was a glitch with my… [Read More]
Asylum Dev Diary 93 – Code Profiling Part 2
October 27, 2019After last weeks very successful debug session I wanted to continue looking through the heavy functions and routines to see if there were any others that could be improved. First up was my player interaction script. This script is attached to objects that the player can perform an action on, be it a door or… [Read More]