One of the challenges I wanted to focus on this week was to see if it would be possible to adjust the lighting engine so that it can work on Android devices. After several days of making tweaks and changes I have sadly realised that it’s just not going to work. Which is a big shame. The up side of the process has been that I have managed to alter the way the lighting works on Windows to a method that is easier for me to work with.
Previously the lighting engine required that the drawing of the main application surface (game surface) was done manually so that certain parts of the lighting could be handled. I wasn’t a fan of this method because of the complexities involved. So during this time I have managed to work out a way to restore the default automatic application surface drawing and still have the high quality super faster lighting.
Other improvements this week
The level numbering of World 3 levels was incorrect. I think this happened when I reduced the number of levels per world to 24 and i just forgot to check the internal numbering.
World 5 now uses the smooke vents from World 3 as a distraction for the player to contend with. I’m planning on adding a disturbance to world 4 as well – I just haven’t decided what that will entail just yet.
The duplicator component has been altered slightly. Previously the original missile entering the duplicator would trigger the counter down for the duplciate missiles and continue on it’s merry way. I felt that this was the wrong initial action for the duplicator so it will not hold the original missile for the time set before letting it go and continuing the duplication.
It is now possible for more than one achievement notification to dispay at the same time. They will now be displayed in a stacked fashion down the screen. Although I need to check and see if the height is available on phones for this to happen.
The final stage of each world will be altered a bit to include a new control centre for the player to destroy. This helps with the story aspect of the game by having the information harvested from the central computer which would give up the location of the next world.